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Rainbow Passion Canvas 20  x 24   19.57 x23.15  Canvas - 1

Rainbow Passion Canvas 20" X 24"

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RAINBOW PASSION – DESIGNS Suga Plum Po’ Folk Red Carpet Designs by The PlayBill Store, Suga Plum Po’ Folk Red Carpet Designs by Blue Doves, Suga Plum Po’ Folk Red Carpet Designs by Kimberly Price. Warm and inviting spring colors, Rainbow Passion, colorful designs using marker, ink and colored pencils for a whimsical, cool and unique look just for you and other products to help free the soul, mind and spirit from negativity this Spring, Summer and Fall! www.theplaybillstore.com

Turn your photos into a stunning piece of artwork. We print your digital photos on canvas, ideal for displaying in the home or workplace.

We achieve the high quality canvas prints from your photo by using fade resistant UV archival inks, which provides long-lasting lightfast canvas prints. Canvas is waterproof. Furthermore, it also contains a UV filter for increased UV protection to prevent your photo canvas print from fading.

  • Artist Quality Ultra-thick Canvas Material
  • 360gsm Woven Cotton Waterproof Canvas
  • Fade Resistant UV Archival Inks

Please note frame is NOT included and image is printed right up to the edges.

SKU: 351